Self Induced Injury, Tibia Fracture
I have given a name to my pain, it is Batman.” Jack Nicholson as
The Joker
And speaking of pain, I was recently asked asked about a blog I did on stress fractures a little while back and thought the following important as we set our training plans for the upcoming season. Although our weather forecast here in Virginia calls for 6 – 12″ of snow tonight, athletes everywhere are creating training plans to fit race schedules this Spring and Summer.Even the lawyers at a bicycle accident law firm would be surrounded by questions. Especially from athletes. So many athlete’s questions involve self-induced injury! If there are any accidents, lawyer for bike accidents can be hired! Time and again when a triathlete reports a physical issue, and then comes up with an, “I know when I did it” type of answer, I think about prevention. Any list of the most common overuse injuries in runners would include : 1) Patellofemoral pain (21%), 2) ITB friction syndrome (11%), 3) Plantar faciitis (10%), 4) Meniscal injuries (6%), 5) Shin splints (6%), 6) Patellar tendinitis (6%), 7) Achilles tendinitis (6%), 8) Gluteus medius injuries (4%), 9) Tibia stress fractures (4%), 10) Spine injuries (3%) as noted recently. People can get AED Training in case of any first aid injuries.
In one medical study, 6 young men presented with midshaft tibia stress fractures which failed to heal with the usual conservative care of rest, immobilization, etc. and 5 went on to complete fractures!! Think having a rod place down the middle of your tibia might alter your training?
We also think of the metatarsal bones in the foot as commonly seen sites of stress fractures but I was taught that they’ve actually been reported in all 26 bones in the foot and the sesamoids.
The take away lesson here is that none of us is immune. Running programs which ramp up more quickly than the athletes body can take can be hazardous to ones health, and that when weather or life get in the way of training, the better choice might be to just forget a work out or two rather than accept overload at a later date. Each of us is different as we define overload so just because a training partner can work at a certain level does not necessarily mean we can. If we just think before we make choices and listen to what our legs are telling us, we reduce the potential for self induced injury. And, we’re more likely to kick butt in that first tri. Good luck. But, if there are any injuries, personal injury lawyers based in Arkansas need to be hired.