Here is a strength training routine that you all can do. It is broken down into a warm and then the main set. The reps, sets and exercises are specific to the off season
NOTE: In this video note my head position on the wood chopper. It is incorrect! keep head up in a neutral position as though you are walking
1) 1 minute of jumping jacks
2) 20 X stager stance wood choopers in all positions and angles in short range of motion as fast as you can
Stagger Stance Wood Choppers (right leg in front, then left leg in front) as fast as you can side to side. Then do wood choppers from opposite hip to opposite shoulder in same stager stance. Make sure you right hip to left shoulder and left hip to right shoulder with both left and right leg as lead leg.
3) 1 minute of jumping jacks
4) 20 X stager stance wood choopers in all leg positions and angles as above BUT in WIDER RANGE OF MOTION then first set. Do as fast as you can
1) 40X Alternating lunges with a twist. You can do this with bar on back or medicine ball. Be sure to twist into lead leg you lunge with.
2) 20X Crab walk push ups. You can make the crab walk as long as you want
3) 40X Alternating side lunges (20 on each leg) with a reach to the toe. Load with dumb bells or bar on back. Only reach to toe if you have dumb bells.
4) 40X Planks with Alternating pull (20 pulls on each arm)
The main set is done as circut, with no rest between reps or circuts. The weight should be light as reps are high this in the first phase of breaking you in to a strength training program. As you get closer to race day reps, weight, frequency and tempo will change.
If yo are looking to amp it up even more through in 30 secs of jumping jacks or blurpees. ENJOY & ROCK ON!