These suggestions will help keep you on track with your training through the darker, colder months. This list is not necessarily in a specific order. It is just one possible order of priorities. Put them in the order that best suits you.
Tag Archives: triathlon
Triathon Teleseminar with Vegan Ultra Endurance Athlete Rich Roll
At the bottom of this post, you can download the audio file to listen to at your computer OR while you swim, bike or run!
-In this triathlon expert teleseminar from the Rock Star Triathlete Academy, ultraendurance athlete and vegan athlete Rich Roll addresses listener questions. He also talks about “Vega” nutrition which you can find by clicking here:
timothy – seattle do you adhere to a specific running philosophy or running style?
ben – spokane can you walk use through a day in your life?
jennifer – puyallp i recently purchased MAP I love it but am not sure if i use it correctly. i take 5 tablets two times a day. i have a hamstring tear/strain that is 7 weeks old and not healing. i also wuld like to know if i can use it during ironman? Can i use a glucose only and MAP as a protien supplement instead of a product like heed. Do you know where i can get more specific info on usage other than thier website.
Bruce Agardy – Boca Grande Florida What does Rick think about Coconut Water as a all natural vegan electroltye suplemant?
David – NJ What is your target Carb/Protein/Fat % by Calorie? What is your target Raw/Cooked %?
Bob Farrell – Berwick, ME What are the best gears to use on a bike trainer while trying to simulate riding on rolling hills?
jason – pewaukee, wi what motivates you to go long? can you give us some more info on your nutrition products? Lou – Pittsburgh What does your weekly running mileage look like? Do you wear a HRM for all runs? Your running shoes of choice?
Donna – Canada Hi Rich – I saw that PETA has produced an amazing poster of you running with the headline “I am a runner, A swimmer, and a cyclist. I am a VEGAN. I LOVE the poster because I am also a vegan triathlete and I’d love to order a few of these. I’ve contacted PETA but have had no answer. Any chance that you sell these on your website? Thanks for being Vegan – and so amazing!
Jim – Spokane Have you ever thought of telling the endurance athlete’s story through a movie?
Jim – Spokane Do people who say you can’t, motivate you as much as they do me? Or is it the feeling of being the engineer atop the mighty unstoppable locomotive (your body and spirit)? Well I will have to listen to the recording my slave driver coach has me on a workout after work tonight. His initials are BF odd
Debbie – Ottawa, Canada Hallelujah for another cool vegan athlete! I’m a 46 year old female vegan triathlete aiming for my first Ironman race this summer. Physically and mentally I feel prepared to kick butt in my age group – and prove that vegans are a force to be reckoned with. My concern however is nutrition. Every event I’ve competed in to date provides crap “nutrition” on the course (i.e. coke, gatorade, sugary gels with questionable ingredients, etc). I’m an extremely health conscious vegan who eats organically with next to no processed food and very little sugar in my diet. I’ve done well on long bike tours with Vega Sport Performance Optimizer as my electrolyte drink and Larabars as my fuel. The problem is that I get sick of Larabars pretty quickly and find that anything sweet grosses me out in no time. I’m not sure what I should be eating along the way. 180km of cycling followed by a marathon is a long way to go without the proper fuel. I’d love your thoughts and suggestions for proper vegan fueling for this sort of endurance event. Since you’re an ultra-endurance guy, you’re definitely the expert! Thanks. Oh, and I loved your interview with PETA!
Patrick Clancy – Kelowna BC Canada Hello All, When doing brick work-outs and coming off 45 min on the bike, my HR is at 84%-87%. My question is should I keep going at that pace to get a good pace work-out or should I try to lower it to try and practise to conserve. I am training for a 70.3 in Osoyoos BC, Canada in July.
Keep reading to download the full audio file! Continue reading
Rock Star Body Positioning and Posture Enhancing Moves
In this video, Kerry Sullivan demonstrates several movements design to enhance your positioning and posture during triathlon.
Rock Star Fabulous Four Running Moves
In this video, Kerry Sullivan demonstrates 4 essential “fabulous four” moves for becoming a better runner. Continue reading
Rock Star Glute Strengthening Exercises
In this video, Kerry Sullivan demonstrates a series of moves designed to strengthen the glutes and hip extensors – notoriously weak muscles in triathletes. Continue reading