Robb Wolf is a strength & conditioning coach, formerly a research biochemist, living in Chico, CA, and is an expert on topics such as intermittent fasting, CrossFit, anti aging medicine, gluten free living and a host of other goodies related to the Paleo Diet. Check out Robb’s website at
Robb is a freakin’ genius when it comes to proper incorporation of the Paleo Diet into a training routine, and this is YOUR CHANCE to ask Robb all your questions about the Paleo diet and triathletes.
During this interview, Robb gives an overview of Paleo diet for triathletes, then addresses the following questions:
Bret asks: I am hooked on cereal and milk for breakfast before my bike ride every morning. I can’t quit cold turkey. Are there any paleo diet versions that remotely resemble cereal and milk?
Ben asks: I’m curious how I could use the Paleo Diet philosophy during a long run or bike ride. Would gels be OK, or do they not jive with the Paleo Diet?
Tina asks: I know that Okinawans live a long time, but they eat a bunch of grain-based white rice every day, and also soy based foods like tofu. Are they just an exception to the rule?
Kerry asks: What should carb, protein, fat ratios be for Paleo diet?
Paul asks: Should I be worried about the types of oils in my energy bars?
Theo in Post Falls asks: I know you are a fan of Crossfit. How can a triathlete use Crossfit, or do any endurance athletes you train actually use Crossfit?
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