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Rock Star Triathlete Academy Deal of the Week: PureFit Bars

Nutrition plays a far bigger part in how fast or how long you can swim, bike and run than any single piece of tri gear. Choosing the right nutrition bar to keep you fueled up is an important choice. We all want bars that not only help us perform better, we prefer the taste doesn’t resemble wet leather.

PureFit bars have been around for 10 years because they’ve taken the right approach to proper sports nutrition. They produce five tasty flavors of their bar that follow proven principles – the 40% protein, 30% carb, 30% fat balance for sustained energy in an all natural product.

PureFit bars are Gluten Free, which becomes an important choice for many, but rapidly becoming a choice of PRO athletes and people in general for healthier living in and avoiding unnecessary inflammation. Additionally, PureFit bars are vegan-approved and free of dairy, wheat, artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated oils and trans fats. You’ll be able to push it longer with consistent energy and avoid energy crashes caused by blood sugar spikes.

But taste….taste is important and PureFit delivers with five awesome flavors – Almond Crunch, Berry Almond Crunch, Chocolate Brownie, Peanut Butter Crunch and Granola Crunch.

Trinero is excited to provide this great offer saving you over 50%. Get a box of 15 PureFit bars for $17, less than half the standard price of $34.35. Pick the flavor of your choice…or if you want, pick more – you can buy up to 4 boxes at this great price.  Click here to grab this deal!